Monday, May 26, 2014

Motivational Monday #9

A jolly good morning to you all! I hope that you had a fabulous weekend and are now ready to start off another week in the year on a positive note. This week I plan on focusing a new of my posts around the future and the possibility of starting new adventures. This will sound very vague and you are all wondering what on earth am I talking about, but just sit tight and let me unfold my new dreams and goals with you over the week. 

But first, I am starting it off as always with a spark on motivation! 

Everyone is different. It is a fact and nothing can change that! People are comprised of an assortment of characteristics, beliefs, morals, styles, nationalities, ethnicities and passion. It is crazy to think that, but that is what makes the world exciting because as we meet different people, I especially gain inspiration from them even it is the smallest aspect. It should not matter where you come from, what you look like or what love you to do, but now that has an effect on stopping us from actually staying persistent with our goals, because tend to voice their opinions a little to often. 

Lets face it, not everything is suppose to pan out the way it should that is life, but to be constantly told different or that you shouldn't be doing it you are fine where you are it is better for you, then it is discouraging and your motivation in your dreams decreases quite quickly making it all seem not worth it. Well let me tell you know it is! So whatever your dream, goals and passions are, make them happen and be happy whilst doing them! If you make a mistake, fail or try to give up realise that it is making you a better person in the long run. Allow yourself to see the mistakes and failed attempts, don't let others run your life, because we all know different things and want to take charge and look like we know what we are doing half the time, because one person cannot simply have tried and completed everything that there possibly is to do. It doesn't matter who you are - we can all try to get to where we want to be. 

Stay strong and positive, because it will definitely help you in being where you want to be. I plan on moving back to the United Kingdom within the next few years and I have be constantly told; why do you want to that, it is much nicer where you live? But you are going to leave everyone behind? What you even want to do that for? The answer is simple, because I want to and there is nothing for me here that I want to stay for. There is an entire world out there with endless opportunities, why don't you make the most of it? 

Do whatever you want (within reason!), aim high and learn from all the silly mistakes, because it is going to create one hell of an adventurous story! So go put on your brain storming and determination hat and don't let anyone stop you. That does not mean that you can't listen to them, because you never know they could be full of factual information and insights, but just don't let them guide you into making your own decisions! 

M x

Friday, May 23, 2014

Inspiration from Instagram.

It is time for another batch of inspiring Instragrammers that I believe you should be follow, pronto! Go on, get clicking and have a lovely weekend! 

Featured Instragrammers: @blaireadiebee @emmalucey @juliahengel @emilyschuman

M x

Monday, May 19, 2014

Motivational Monday #8

Good morning to you all! 

I don't think that I have much to explain for this picture, because it simply says it all! So I will leave you with the thought of; don't waste time in your life. Yes I am going to say it… you only live once and why would you want to look back and think boy I didn't do that or take that risk! Life is full of risks, opportunities, mistakes and happiness but the beauty from it all, is that it is one life long journey and learning curve! 

M x 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Current Fashion Inspiration.

Style has always played an important part in how I like to present myself and express who I am. Wearing different pieces can really make you stand out, because I defiantly do not want to be wearing the same leggings, crop tops, ugg boots that a lot of other girls wear. I apologise if that if something that you love to wear, however there are so many nice pieces out there that people just tend to opt for the easy, sloppy items that look like you make no effort! 

Here is my current collection of favourites and I love creating these collages, because it allows me to easily express the things that I love together and lets you gain some inspiration as well! (Win Win!) 

Molly x 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Easy Apple Tart.

Happy Friday! We can all start to relax again now because the weekend has arrived and what better way of spending it than making this delicious and super easy apple tarts. 

I found this recipe on the Donna Hay website alongside many other scrumptious recipes!

These are perfect for a dessert at a dinner part, because you can vary the size accordingly or you can simply eat it on saturday whilst having a classic movie night! 

You can seriously serve it with anything that you would like and I decided to add a scoop of macadamia and honey ice-cream, but feel to choose any flavour or ice-cream or jazz up your whipped cream to get a little bit more creative. 

Easy Apple Tart Recipe
2 red apples, thinly sliced
2 teaspoons brown sugar 
1 teaspoon cinnamon
80g butter, melted
1 sheet of puff pastry (I used more and it depends on how many you plan on making- but keep in mind you may need extra!) 
1 egg, lightly beaten 
Double cream or Ice-cream to serve 

1. Preheat the oven to 200-degree. 
2. Place the apple, sugar, cinnamon and butter in a bowl and mix to combine. 
3. Cut the pastry into your desired sizes and layer with the apple mixture and brush the edges with the egg mixture. 
4. Place onto a lined baking tray and cook for around 10 minutes or until golden and puffed. 
5. Serve warm with cream or ice-cream. 

I hope you try this wonderful creation and comment down below what flavour combinations you chose when it comes to serving. 

Molly x

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Just another haul.

Hello! I am back with a random haul for you and these are some bits and bobs that I have collected over the past couple of weeks, since I was on my holiday break. 

I have been loving the style of wearing tights, shorts, a jumper and a pair of black 'chelsea' style boots, so I though I would start picking up some pieces to wear. I purchased all of these clothing items from Temt who sadly do not have an online store, but have some wonderful pieces in store if you get the chance to go in! They are reasonably priced and whilst some clothing and accessories items are the classic 'same old same old', they do have some nice pieces as well! This lime-yellow-green colour has been catching my eye lately and so I picked this jumper up straight away when I found it. A perfect knit for winter and wearing over the top of basic shirts. 

I am sure that many of you know I am a lover of cooking and am very passionate about it, which is why my cookbook collection is growing to much for me to keep up. These are some of my favourite books and I cannot wait to start sharing some delicious recipes with you. 

I always seem to be collecting home wares, because I simply love everything about home interiors and all of the beautiful and decorative pieces you can buy! (I can't wait for my own home!) I also use them for photography purposes, but I swear when I decide to move out of home I am going to need a container, not just a suitcase. (well not literally, but almost!) 

Necklaces play a large part in my wardrobe, as I find it super easy to accessorise with a statement piece. The yellow flower necklace was from Lovisa is similar to the Jcrew style, however is a fraction of the price, especially as I managed to purchase it on sale. (Double Bonus!)  

Lastly, I purchased these gorgeous Easter decorations on sale and could not resist the cuteness of the dishes and the bunny. My favourite animal/pet would have to be a rabbit and this little guy is perfect to sit on one of my desk shelves, alongside one of the dishes. Even though they are egg shaped, I do not mind because they have a decorative pattern on the inside and you can't really tell without being to picky to notice! 

I hope you all enjoyed my collective haul from the past couple of weeks and don't forget to stop by my blog tomorrow if you fancy yourself a super easy sweet treat! 

Molly x 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mothers Day Gift Guide.

Mothers Day is on the 11th of May here in Australia, so as I needed some gift idea inspiration for myself, I decided to share with you some of my favourites. If Mothers Day has already passed where you are living, you can easily use these ideas for Christmas, other holiday occasions or just a simple gift to show your Mum how much she means to you! 

A pair of good quality of pyjamas, with a good cup of tea in a gorgeous mug and a box of chocolates is one of the perfect combinations for Mothers. It is a time for them to relax and feel special and why not surprise them with a few extra bits and bobs that they would not expect. Of course every Mum is going to be different, so you could get gifts that follow a specific taste. For example, cooking equipment, gardening tools/ accessories, plants, jewellery, a nice folder to keep organised in the office or for just everyday use. The options are endless, so surprise your mum with something nice this Mothers Day! 

Molly x

Monday, May 5, 2014

Fitness Motivation.

Lately, I have been inspired to get fit and healthy, by looking at a lot of Instagram accounts. A lot of people believe that if you eat a salad for your lunch, whilst eating other bad foods *as a treat* and attempt squats or sit-ups then you are going to get the summer body you are dreaming of. Sadly, it does not work that way and I am no professional… 

If you seriously want to lose weight and tone your body, you are to reduce and eliminate specific foods, exercise regularly, replace your fruit juices, alcohol and coffees with plenty and plenty of water. Also having a positive mind set will allow you to maintain these goals and keep you focused on getting to where you want to be. Don't get my wrong everyday is not all sunshine and glory, we all have days where nothing is going right, we are putting in 110% and the results are simply not worth it and we just want to give up. If we were all going to do that though, nothing would get done! 

I have been "attempting" to lose weight and achieve a healthy and fit lifestyle for quite a while now and I know and can admit that I simply haven't really tried the hardest that I possibly can. My problem is that I always have food on my mind, I snack to often (especially after school) and do not necessarily eat the correct foods. I am slowly starting to make a difference, but I am not a happy bean when it comes to trying clothes on and having to look in the mirror! 

Now I do not want create a specific eating routine that cuts out all cooked foods, dairy or meat. I am meat eater and proud eater of my cheese! haha. I kind of have the idea of blending together a variety of diets to create my very own. I am more than happy to create more posts like these in the future and can specifically write about the topic of food and fitness on a certain day, if that is something you would like to hear, because I am defiantly passionate about it! I have many ideas that I want to put together, so all I have to do is but my head down and get to work! After my Senior Year I will have 3-4 months of relaxing in the summer sun, so I hope then that I will keep my mind occupied to wander off from the thought off eating every five minutes. It is crucial to eat every meal, do not concentrate for so long that you miss a meal! 

I have the idea of creating some recipes, nutrition, fitness, organisational and staying motivated blog posts in mind, so if you would like to come with me on this journey, then please comment down below your progress or goals! No one has to be in it alone. 

So I have put together some pictures of my favourite accounts that simply get a spark going inside to start changing your lifestyle. 

Stay happy, positive and just think what you are actually eating! It is amazing to know that there are scrumptious tasting recipes out there are jam-packed with nutrients and healthy ingredients, but people tend to choose the easier option, which by actual fact healthy food can be made easy! 

Molly x

Sunday, May 4, 2014

10 facts about me...

Good morning everyone and I hope you are having a relaxing sunday! 

I love hearing facts about someone, whether it is about their past, habits, what they want to do when they are older or do as a career now! I always find it fascinating, because it really shows how different we are as people. (and I am quite a nosey person in general- haha!) 

So today I am going to be sharing 10 facts about me that allows you to get to know a bit more of who I am, because really I am just another girl who sits behind a computer and writes to whoever wants to read it. 

1. I am a terrible singer, but the best place to sing is in the shower when no one is home!
2. my favourite flower are Gerberas.
3. I have a slight obsession with Emmerdale. (A soap drama) 
4. I haven't eaten solid chocolate for about 3 months now. 
5. I have to admit that I drink the odd hot chocolate, but I can never finish one fully.
6. I would love to edit videos professionally. 
7. Water is my favourite drink. 
8. I am quite short - 5ft4 
9. My A level or senior year of high school subjects are: Mathematics, English, Business &       Enterprise and Media Studies. 
10. I am rubbish at anything sporty and it has never really interested since I was little, so I used to fail miserably in PE class at school. I prefer to exercise at home doing "gym" type workouts! (toning, cardio, fat-burning, stretching, etc. 

So I hope that you have found something new about me and I would love to hear in the comments below facts about yourself or whether or not we have anything in common! 

Have a wonderful day!
Molly x 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Daydreaming about KitchenAid.

KitchenAid has to be hands down my dream collection of appliances. The entire series is so simple, yet classic and stylish. I have no idea why, but for some reason as soon as I saw the traditional stand mixer I was automatically attached and ever since then I have been dreaming of having my very own. As per anything the colour is the most important decision and I think that going neutral for the basic appliances and possibly a pop of colour for the stand mixer would be a nice addition for the kitchen. I plan on purchasing these appliances when I am settled into an apartment that I can decorate myself and coordinate everything nicely. 

All of the products can be found on the KitchenAid website

Hopefully more styling for each of the rooms within a house will be coming very soon! 
Molly x