Saturday, May 10, 2014

Current Fashion Inspiration.

Style has always played an important part in how I like to present myself and express who I am. Wearing different pieces can really make you stand out, because I defiantly do not want to be wearing the same leggings, crop tops, ugg boots that a lot of other girls wear. I apologise if that if something that you love to wear, however there are so many nice pieces out there that people just tend to opt for the easy, sloppy items that look like you make no effort! 

Here is my current collection of favourites and I love creating these collages, because it allows me to easily express the things that I love together and lets you gain some inspiration as well! (Win Win!) 

Molly x 


  1. great selection! :*

    GIVEAWAY on my blog!

  2. ah great picks! I love the far left outfit in the first photo!

    Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog

    1. Thank you! Yes, it is so simple but some how gorgeous!
