I am going to give you an insight as to all the things that I have on/ in my bedside table. A lot of it is basic bedroom bits and bobs so before I start rambling lets get straight into it.
52 Lists: Everything that is beside you bed.
1. Box of tissues - you never know when you need to clear your sniffly nose.
2. Fly spray - A little strange I know, but it is for those pesky insects during the warmer months that are constantly buzzing around your head.
3. A journal - I don't write in this as frequently as I should but it is there if ever I need to make a note or thought.
6. The book in which I am reading currently. At the moment it is Cupcakes at Carringtons by Alexandra Brown.
7. Lamp.
I think that just about sums up everything that I have on my bedside table. Of course there are always odd objects that find themselves placed there, which either stay or they go straight back to their original home.
Thank you for all being patient whilst I get back into the swing go blogging and as I have just been offered a second job - working for the first time in retail, I am going to be extremely busy. So as I have spare moments I will be preparing and making all of the exciting posts ready for Blogmas!
Hope you are all enjoying you Sunday and I will speak to you very soon.
M x
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