Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How to keep your content flowing.

Hello and welcome back … 

Today I will sharing my top tips for trying to keep your content flowing on your blog or social media platform. Yes at times it does become hard to balance everything at once, but there are enough hours in the day to fit everything in. The crucial element to a productive day is timing! The amount of time spent throughout the day thinking or procrastinating are valuable moments, which could have been used more wisely and constructive. 

1. Step Back : Sometimes everything in life becomes a little to much - remember that not everything has to be perfect and you do not have to try and do it all (we are all human!) Have a little me time :: go outside and be refreshed, walk, run or just sit and soak in the vitamin D. Just simply relax - turn your mind off for a while and think. Make a plan (write it down if you want) what are you aiming for, make small steps to create the big change/ goal. 

2. Be Inspired : There is no right or wrong answer - whatever inspires and motivates you to create your content and share it with the internet :: books, movies, fellow bloggers, Pinterest - the list is honestly endless! Pinterest and bloggers are personally one of my favourites + Bloglovin to as I can save my favoured posts to refer back to at a later date. 

3. Keep a Diary : If you now have some ideas start planning - pick up a cheap diary and plan a schedule. Using an actually diary as well as a notebook (see below) can really help to clearly outline to posts to be created for a specific date. I will also add any other little notes to like what to include, photograph ideas and when to shoot them, etc. Then in your notebook keep an ongoing list of all the previous and upcoming posts to refer back to (add this into the back of your diary also if you don't want to carry more than one book around!) 

4. Notebook : These will be your best friend! I am the type of person that has to write every idea or thought that comes into my head. I have an A6 or A4 sized notebook divided into sections (OCD organisation on point right there!) The sections include :: A list of the posts that I will write in one column and then 4 other columns are drawn on the very outer edge of the page that are ticked once the task is completed (photographed/ images, writing, published & promotion, etc.) The second section is a place to write down all of my current ideas and planning/ notes for the future posts. This way everything is collected in the one place. 
After this epic post I hope these tips were a little helpful and has motivated you into creating more content for your blog! You can only get better and improve your creativity, writing and preparation skill and planning! 


M x 

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