I thought I would share with you some of my favourite ways to relax, which is perfect for recovering from the holiday season and preparing for the new year ahead. We are well over a week into 2015 and I am sure it will go by like a blink of an eye, just like 2014. We will be here again this time next year ready to welcome on 2016 (wow!), which will hold so much excitement for individuals and the world.
Everyone needs time for themselves to de-stress and/or briefly leave their worries alone for at least 30 minutes a week or even daily.
So here are the questions and I encourage you all to take part and answer them all yourselves.
1. What do you like to watch or read during Me time?
I love to read cookery books for photography and food inspiration and magazines for the same reason. I always try have a novel on the go and read as much as I can, as it certainly improves your english, however I become quite slack and put it on the back burner. I should really put more effort into reading books and taking the time to sit and read to get through all the novels on my bookcase. Anyway I currently have Girl Online by Zoella on the go.
I love to watch YouTube videos in my Me time and spare time, so I have created a list of all my favourites here. I currently watch Revenge, Pretty Little Liars and occasionally re-watch Sherlock episode, as I just love that television show. Let me know of your favourites below, as I would love to start watching some new programs.

2. What do you wear during Me time?
Absolutely anything comfortable. Sweatpants, sweatshirt/jumper and cosy socks.
3. What are your favourite Me time beauty products?
I am currently still discovering new products, but I love this Body Shop Tea Tree face mask. This mask it perfect if you have a few blemishes, as it really soothing for your face - leaving it feeling soft and fresh. I love experimenting with face mask and scrubs, so whenever it is Me time I love trying new brands or even creations of my own. Lip balm is always top of the list as well, as a large portion of the time I like to wear lipstick so moisturising your lips is a must.

4. Current favourite nail polish?
O.P.I Cajun Shrimp - a light coral colour, which is perfect for summer. Any pinks, oranges or reds really.
5. What do you eat or drink during Me time?
I drink a lot of water daily anyway, so I tend to spice it up a little with some slices of lemon. It always feels so refreshing and cleansing for the skin and stomach. I don't really like any other drinks and will occasionally treat myself to a hot chocolate, but other than that I keep it quite simple with water.
I love to eat anything. I am such a foodie - I eat both sweet and savoury. I LOVE the bars from The Bar Counter, which are a healthier alternative to snack bars. I love healthy superfood sweet treats, however if I really want to indulge I will have a couple of Terry Chocolate Orange segments or Lindt Chocolate squares.
6. Current Favourite Candle?
I don't actually burn any!
7. Do you ever have outdoor Me time?
I love to go for walks or even hikes as I am still partaking in my fitness, however it is extremely relaxed and extremely energising from the fresh air. Otherwise I love to sit outside in the sun - reading, snoozing or writing.
8. Would you ever go and watch a film alone?
As a teenager absolutely not, as confidence was not my forte. However as I am quite comfortable with my own company probably would not mine going alone.
9. Favourite online shop?
I love online shopping in general and browsing from one shop to another - there are honestly to many to choose.
10. Anything to add? What else do you do during Me time?
I mostly just relax in my comfy clothes, grab some snacks, sit in the living room or on my bed and write some blog posts. Whether or not it reading other blogs or writing for my own I class blogging as my favourite Me-time hobby, as it allows me to experiment, build confidence and find new inspiration.
I also do a lot of baking! Baking is the perfect procrastinating hobby, as you can pick a recipe that is so complicated and will take you the entire day to do it, so that you do not have to do anything else. I just look food and baking, as a number of simplistic ingredients bond together to create something magical - either basic or extravagant. It can simple put a smile on someones face and make their day better!
I also do a lot of baking! Baking is the perfect procrastinating hobby, as you can pick a recipe that is so complicated and will take you the entire day to do it, so that you do not have to do anything else. I just look food and baking, as a number of simplistic ingredients bond together to create something magical - either basic or extravagant. It can simple put a smile on someones face and make their day better!
Come back on Monday for a delicious recipe. It will be the official day where I will be posting five days a week on my blog (Monday-Friday). I will be sharing a collection of recipes, DIYs, event designs, travel and another lifestyle tips.
I hope you enjoyed!
M x
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